In terms of fuel mega-efficiency, the Smart Car would have been the smart choice hands down. It was driven across Canada, over 6000km, from Victoria to Halifax, on only (CDN)$300.00 worth of gasoline. This was back in 2005. I would expect that driving it twice across the USA would cost a little more than double that.
The Smart Car made its debut at the Detroit Automotive Show only this year. In case something goes wrong with the vehicle it would not yet be possible to service it state-side. However, it's so small it would be possible to Fed-Ex or UPS it overnight to Canada for repairs and have it shipped back in a few days to wherever we broke down. Well, not really.
Another minus is the lack of storage. We will be traveling with an extensive wardrobe. Winter coats might be required for the nights in the desert. I'm also taking along a mini-ironing board to steam out the wrinkles in the suits we will be wearing on the casino floors of Las Vegas.
Long story short, the Smart Car doesn't make the cut. But here's the big news... The car we are taking has been purchased within the last twenty-four hours. Mr. B.P., also known as the "Anglo-Italian", has dropped several LARGE bills on a 2006 model of a certain Teutonic-American car.
After over 90 minutes of haggling with salesmen, during which I sat quietly and made mental notes on how to be a good performer in the art of the hard-sell,(and I must say I did learn a lot from B.P.) the ink hit paper and the deal was done. Then Germany beat Sweden 2-0.
I'm going to keep you in suspense about the make of the car. Actually, I'm going to wait until a picture is available. So check back soon!