No, this picture was not taken in France. And I wouldn't recommend cooking it up with some spices and enjoying him with a glas of wine. All summer on almost any path I tread I had to be carefull not to step on one of these fellows. Snails were everywhere it seemed. Some were as long as 20 centemeters.

This little bunny would show up every morning at 7:00 in front of my appartment window in Bonn. I could set my watch to him/her.

I need some help with this one. This picture was taken in Dusseldorf. One bird would swim in the stream collecting leaves and twigs and deliver them to its partner who was constructing this nest. Does anyone know the name of these birds? And do they taste good?

This is a not so itsy-bitsy spider outside my current apartment in Germany. Its web has a two or three meter span between two separate buildings and is about 15-20 feet above the ground. How it managed to get itself across such as distance when it was constructing its web is a mystery. And it survives high winds and rain. Such is the strength of spider silk. Perhaps one day condoms with be constructed from a genetically modified version of spider silk. Thin, strong and silky. Patent pending!