I’m not trying to change the world, I’m just looking for New England!
Sunapee, New Hampshire to be exact. C and M have been expecting us at their lake house for hours.
Our late start out of Kingston contributed to our tardiness but so did the curiosity of the United States Border Patrol. After asking us twice if we have ever been arrested, (replying no only once doesn’t seem to suffice) we were very politely requested to park our car in the inspection area. As the official searched the Magnum we were entertained in the processing area.
One of our Quebecois compatriots was being denied entry to the U.S because he was busted with a small amount of cocaine over 20 years ago when he was 18 years old.
Some Mohawk teenagers (the border crossing was on an Native Indian reserve) were being held up because they gave their car a new paint job during the last few days. The Q and A was as follows: “Who’s car is it? My friend’s. What was the original color of the car? Black. When was it painted? About five days ago. Why? It got scratched. The car got scratched so you painted the whole thing? Yeah. How much did it cost? $3000.00. Who paid for it? My friend, he has the receipts for it.”
Keeping America safe apparently also requires fingerprinting senior citizens who don’t have Canadian or American citizenship. If you saw the two seniors who were fingerprinted you’d wonder what possible threat they could cause America. Nor do I think they were heading to pick fruit as illegal workers.
But I digress…
Forty-five minutes after we arrived at the border we were free to go. It was B’s artwork that raised some alarms. The border official wanted to make sure his art was only for gifts and not for sale. Nothing else suspicious was uncovered in the car.
My job was to navigate our way to New Hampshire. In this I failed in a interesting way. We took our first wrong turn near Malone, New York. The result was that B spotted an 1978 El Camino from the highway when we were finally headed back in the correct direction. We pulled into the parking lot to admire it . The owner was near by and informed us he owned four El Caminos. He had interesting artwork on the car, as you can see below.

Long story short, we arrived in Sunapee at 8:15pm. C and M are Canadians who own a beautiful house on a beautiful lake which immediately reminds any Ontarian of our own beautiful cottage country.
Within minutes C handed us martinis and told us to empty the glasses molto rapido so he could refill them in order that we catch up to the level of inebriation of the rest of them. Well, if you’re gonna twist my arm!
A juicy barbequed tenderloin dinner completed the day. Thank you C and M!
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