In addition to every state having a Springfield within its confines, it seems every county in every state has a town called Clinton. We rested our heals in Clinton, OK the night of July 31st. The Glancy Motor Hotel was our third stop on Route 66 and the most inexpensive so far. But you get what you pay for. I encountered my first American cockroach. It happen as I tucked myself in. I noticed the little fellow crawling across the comforter. The comforter spent the rest of the night on the floor.
I wonder if that placemat used as bathroom tiling was purchased at Home Depot.
En route to Clinton, OK we stopped in Tulsa, OK. If you plan to be in the area around the middle of August I draw your attention to the picture below. The Elysium is having a costume party on the 12th in which a cash prize will be awarded. Please do take pictures if you attend!

On the other end of town, and on the other end of the moral compass, sits Oral Roberts University. State funded secular education may be considered an evil to many God fearing Americans, but the Old Testament makes no mention of price-equity ratios or mergers and acquisitions. God fearing Christians are still well advised to get some kind of higher education, so as to not lose economic ground to Latte sipping, New York Times reading, east coast, gay-tolerant liberals. Oral Roberts University does not banish God from the campus.

Interestingly, the architecture of the campus has an Islamic flavour to it. Notice the emphasis on patterns and geometry and the lack of iconography. The 60ft praying hands are the only reference to Christianity. You judge for yourselfÂ
Our trip to Oral Roberts University was briefly interrupted by a visit to another Christian institution, the Salvation Army thrift store. B loves thrift stores. This mug set him back $0.26 and is the latest addition to his collection of post-war Japanese tea/coffee mugs. Often porcelain, these hybrids combine the fine handle of a teacup with the large capacity of a modern coffee mug.

1 comment:
First of all, I don't believe for one moment that B would shoot a bunny rabbit-- though I seem to recall that he does perceive them as 'gamey.' Now, shooting at a chipmunk-? THAT I believe. They are rat-like indeed.
Very nice photo of the mug. Dig the crazy reflections.
Don't take any wooden nickels.
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