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Neo-nazis are a unfortunate but, tiny percentage of the German population. Whenever they try to march in public they are met by a superior number of counter demonstrators. The Antifa (Anti-fascists), Socialists and Autonomists confront the racists on the streets.
Apparently there is, or was, a neo-nazi attending the university here. He was outed. His picture was posted on a flyer so people could identify him.
Below is a video of an Antifa group in action.
Here in India I often see the swastika - right facing and left facing. It's used as an auspicious symbol - often on doors and doorways. It's too bad it has an entirely different association in the West.
die schwarzen Lederhandschuhen sind krass, aber der Film ist irgendwie unglaubwuerdig. ich gratuliere deiner Aufmerksamkeit :)
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